Menačenkova domačija

Menačenkova domačija


Muzejska hiša Menačenkova domačija je pomemben prostor domžalske kulturne dediščine zaradi ohranjanja in prikazovanja domžalske preteklosti, ki sloni na obrtniški tradiciji. Hiša je bila zgrajena na prehodu iz 19. v 20. stoletje kot bivališče in delavnica krojaške družine Ahčin z domačim imenom »Pr’ Menačnk«. Od leta 2003 dalje je domačija obnovljena in preurejena v etnološki muzej. Bogato opremljena s starimi predmeti in pohištvom je avtentičen prikaz nekdanje podobe hiše in življenja kmečko-obrtniške družine. Bivalni del hiše je namenjen etnografski zbirki, v gospodarskem delu pa so urejeni razstavni prostori za likovne in muzejske razstave. Podstrešni prostor, ki je v obnovitvenem postopku, bo namenjen stalni postavitvi umetniških del kiparja Franceta Ahčina ter drugim kulturnim dogodkom.

Program aktivnosti v Menačenkovi domačiji se z novo sezono pridružuje ostali bogati ponudbi dogodkov v Kulturnem domu Franca Bernika Domžale. Z izoblikovanim konceptom v povezavi z lokalno in nacionalno kulturnozgodovinsko dediščino mesečno temelji na treh glavnih vsebinsko povezanih dogodkih: razstava, Večer ljudske dediščine v besedi in pesmi ter Sobotna ustvarjalna delavnica. Program je namenjen vsem generacijam, saj z njim obujamo preteklost, predstavljamo ter ohranjamo ljudsko izročilo in umetnost, posredujemo vedenja o najrazličnejših oblikah dediščine lokalne skupnosti, poučujemo ter ustvarjamo. Mlajšim udeležencem ponujamo tudi spremljevalni pedagoški program, preko katerega spoznavajo življenje in zgodbe Slovencev v preteklosti ter jih primerjajo s sedanjostjo. Na tak način (s)oblikujejo zavest pripadnosti nacionalnemu ter lokalnemu okolju in tradiciji.

Vabljeni v domačnost toplega doma, kjer se z roko v roki srečujeta preteklost in sedanjost.

Katarina Rus Krušelj





Menačenk House


Museum house Menačenk House is an important area of Domžale’s cultural heritage, for the preservation and display of their past, based on a craft tradition. It was built at the turn of the 20th century for the family of a village tailor, known as “Pr’ Menačnk” (At Menačenk’s). It can be recognised as a typical home for those who chose to work in the straw hat factories. In 2003, the homestead was renovated into an ethnological museum. Richly furnished with old items and furniture is an authentic display of the former image of the house and the life of a country-craft family. The residential part of the house is intended for the ethnographic collection, while in the economic part there is an exhibition space for art and museum exhibitions. The attic, which is in the process of renovation, will be used for the permanent exhibition of the works of sculptor France Ačhin and other cultural events.

The program of activities in the Menačenk House contributes to the other rich offer of events at the Franc Bernik Domžale Cultural Center in the new season. With the concept connected with the local and national cultural and historical heritage, it is based on three main content-related events: the exhibition, the Evening of the Folk Heritage in Words and Poems and the Saturday’s Creative Workshop.

The program is intended for all generations since with it we embrace the past, we present and preserve the folk tradition and art, we communicate the knowledge about the various forms of heritage of the local community, we teach and create.

We are also offering an accompanying pedagogical program for younger participants. Through it, they learn about the life and stories of Slovenes in the past and compare them with the present. In such a way, they create the consciousness of belonging to the national and local environment and tradition.

We invite you into our warm home, where the past and the present meet hand in hand.

Katarina Rus Krušelj